Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dammit, Dammit, Dammit!

As expected, I was awoken today at around 2 in the afternoon, by the delivery of my new-to-me computer.

As I didn't expect from the emails I'd been sent from the shipper, everything arrived, not just half of what I'd paid for. So that was a pleasant surprise, and despite 6 hours of sleep, I set about getting it all put together and where it should be.

Which involved rearranging my bedroom, but that's neither here nor there.

And it all worked! Not a problem in sight, really, and I was pretty happy seeing as how I got a tower, monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and wifi adapter for $300.

Only now, it won't connect to the Internet!

I was starting to have this problem with my laptop, which I'm writing on now because my desktop still has no Internet connection and I'm not able to psychically update blogs yet. I could connect to the network but sporadically, and more frequently, I'd get no Internet connection. Essentially making the whole network thing very useless. So I was happy to see that not happen on the desktop.

Until it did. I have no Internet connection at all. I've done damn near everything I can think of to troubleshoot, but for whatever reason, it now doesn't like the idea of going online.

Maybe all the cat pictures scares it.

Other 'Net-happy devices work okay. Obviously. Just the desktop. Which worked fine until it didn't.

Joy to me.

And it's way too late to be arsed to do much to it now. I'm going to wait until tomorrow, when I've had a night (day?) of sleep and I can tackle it with a clear head. I got the new system largely because the connection on my laptop was crapping out more often, so it doesn't exactly do me any good to have a Netless desktop and a sporadically-connecting laptop, because oh right, I just spent $300 on the damn thing, and it worked perfectly earlier!

My luck. Let me show you it.

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